Field Days are spectacular events held every year in various parts of Turkey. Guided tours of trial plots include specialist technical advice for new and existing varieties. A place where potato enthusiasts and AR TARIM employees meet.

Active knowledge-sharing!

Seed Potato Academy

At AR TARIM we are keen to share our experience, insights and knowledge with our customers.

Whilst our experts give insights into new and existing varieties customers and employees-in-training alike have the opportunity to learn,share active knowledge and take with them new ideas to improve old practices.

We therefore consider field days as an essential step towards transmitting better agriculture practice. There are no limitations and everybody can participate to see AR TARIM’s professionalism.

New Varieties!
New Solutions!

Our trial fields consist of new varieties carefully selected to be tested on parameters important to Turkey’s future potato growing. When doing that we do not only concentrate on yield results. Desease resistances, storability, draught and heat resistances have equal importance in our final evaluation.

We will select the best varieties which are solutions for the multiple and differing growing conditions in Turkey’s potato growing areas. A good yield is worthless if one loses a big part under bad storage conditions.